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Salutations cherubs and welcome to my little splice of the internet!


For all intents and purposes, I'm Heather Faye a nineteen year old Auzzie' who believe's in three things; the healing power of watching Duck Dynasty, drinking before five o'clock on a week day and that the Quantuam Entanglement Theory is pretty bitchin'. I'm a self confessed candle collecter and makeup hoarder with a soft spot for blushers and lipsticks, my brow philosphy is 'Go Big or Go Home', and if I buy anymore books I could probably start my own library. 


If you fancy quirky music reviews, book lovers speak, geeky references and one to many makeup haul's stick around, you never know you might just like what you find?


Stay Shiny! (Also if you know that reference you are officially my new favourite person in the world. #legit )



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